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Laura Linna (she/her) is a dancer and dance maker based between Stockholm and Tampere/Helsinki. She has recently graduated from the Bachelor program of Dance Performance at SKH, Stockholm University of the Arts.


In her dancing, Laura inhabits different practices with curiosity and high concentration. She enjoys zooming in, allowing the heightened physical awareness and embodied experiential knowledge to inform her, while maintaining a certain playfulness. Alongside dance, she works with reading and writing; letting new ideas, tools, proposals, and intentions appear and crystalize from the act of verbalizing one’s experience and practice. In her choreographic work she wants to emphasize the questions, what do we give space to, what do we take space from, and why? How does the space get charged through these choices? 


In Stockholm, she has performed in pieces by Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Yared Tilahun Cederlund, Liz Kinoshita and QUARTO among others, as well as collaborated with other students from SKH. Before moving to Stockholm, Laura graduated as a dancer from the three-year program at Tampere Conservatoire. During her studies in Tampere, she has worked and done internships at Finnish dance companies and theatres such as Kinetic Orchestra, Tanssiteatteri MD (Dance Theatre MD) and Tampereen Työväen Teatteri (TTT-Theatre). She also has experience in teaching dance and working as a production assistant.

Biography: About
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